1. How do I check voicemail from outside of the district?
- Dial 215-453-2737
- Enter your ID Number followed by # (Your ID is your extension [222XXX]
- Enter you PIN followed by #
- Follow the prompts to retrieve new or saved messages or to reach set-up options
- Call into the main school number (HS: 215-453-6944) -or-
- Call 215-453-2765 which is the District-wide Faculty Voicemail Call-in Line
- From Either number, the caller will be prompted to enter your mailbox number or will be directed to search the staff directory
3. What if I want to learn even more about our new phones?
- Click here for the Cisco Self-Care Portal Quick Reference Guide
- Use your district username and password to log-in to the portal
- While much can be done right from your phone, but the portal gives you a nice interface to accomplish basic phone tasks like:
- Reseting Your Voicemail PIN (once you have gone through the initial set-up)
- Forwarding All Calls
- Setting up Phone Contacts for your personal directory
- Changing Ringtones
The next 2 tips have to do with utilizing touchscreens for faculty and students with touch devices.
4. How can I use my touch-enabled device in Canvas?
SpeedGrader is a huge time-saver and you don't need to have a touch-enabled device to take advantage of it awesome features. However, if you are someone who likes to "write" on student's papers and have a touch device, this beta (meaning Canvas isn't sure that it is perfect yet) feature option may be great for you. Below is a super quick video of my attempts~note I have bad handwriting to begin with and screens do it no favors!
5. How do I encourage students (9th-11th graders!) to take notes on your PowerPoint Presentations?
Students can "write" directly onto PowerPoint presentations you provide for them via Canvas. This is a great way for students to stay engaged in a presentation and create notes that help them elaborate upon the information you present, record examples you share, and practice steps you model. Below is a super-quick video demonstrating how to utilize the drawing feature in PowerPoint and here is a Microsoft Guide- Check out the shape conversion...awesome! We will explore this further during the October 24th Tuesday Ten!
SpeedGrader is a huge time-saver and you don't need to have a touch-enabled device to take advantage of it awesome features. However, if you are someone who likes to "write" on student's papers and have a touch device, this beta (meaning Canvas isn't sure that it is perfect yet) feature option may be great for you. Below is a super quick video of my attempts~note I have bad handwriting to begin with and screens do it no favors!
5. How do I encourage students (9th-11th graders!) to take notes on your PowerPoint Presentations?
Students can "write" directly onto PowerPoint presentations you provide for them via Canvas. This is a great way for students to stay engaged in a presentation and create notes that help them elaborate upon the information you present, record examples you share, and practice steps you model. Below is a super-quick video demonstrating how to utilize the drawing feature in PowerPoint and here is a Microsoft Guide- Check out the shape conversion...awesome! We will explore this further during the October 24th Tuesday Ten!
Upcoming Tuesday Tens:
10/17- Screen Casting Options
10/24- Student Note taking with Touchscreens
11/14- Skype in The Classroom