Friday, April 7, 2017

What Does She Do In There All Day?

About once a week a student shows up at my door saying, “Wow, this room has a carpet...what goes on in here?” Who knew that a carpet in a classroom would be worthy of such note! I laugh and explain the purpose of the CAP room.

How many of you have had similar thoughts and also wonder, “What does Cara do in there all day?”

Well, in addition to helping teachers utilize Canvas and other technology integration tools, I am working to build our district's cyber program. (I would be remiss to not take a moment to thank the Guidance Department, the HS Admin team, the Entire Curriculum Office, and Roberta Simmons for their help with all of this!)

Pennridge School District can now provide a cyber option for students in Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade!

How you can help? If you ever hear of a student considering cyber...let the student's guidance counselor know!

For an overview of the program watch this video made with Adobe Spark

This Friday Five is 5 facts about our cyber program with some tech tools examples and resources thrown in.

Pennridge Online Learning is….

1. Predicated on Comprehensive Plan goals

    • The Comprehensive Plan includes the following goal: Offer opportunities for students to take courses using a blended model with cyber courses.
2. Personalized and designed to meet the needs of all learners
    • Students who are participating in Pennridge Online Learning have the flexibility of taking some courses online and some courses face-to-face
    • Check out our Website built with the new, easier to use Google Sites
3. Proving Effective 
    • Early data indicates that our new program is providing a better learning experience for our online learners than our previous program  
2014-15 First Semester Grades
2016-17 First Semester Grades
    • When you factor out the students who were "grandfathered" into cyber or admitted outside of the new procedures, the failure rate drops to about 2%
4. Providing Cost Avoidance
    • Each time a student leaves PSD to attend a cyber-charter money leaves with them. The table below illustrates how our cyber program can provide savings. 

5. Promoting College and Career Readiness


Some Timely Reminders

Middle School Start of the Year Checklist High School Start of the Year Checklist How to Push Grades to PTP Canvas Credentials: what y...